Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good/Bad Things I do(on't do)

I am frequently struck with the intensity of the sense of morality, or good versus bad, in young children. Spending lots of time with a certain three-year-old this past spring, photos of people and animals we passed on the street often were classified as "BAD!" or rather, "MALO!". When I asked why, I typically got another hearty "MALO!" and we went on our way. This typically takes me by surprise I suppose because using words like "good" and "bad" doesn't hold much utility for me any more. It always feels a little like a hand-full of cold water in the face, just a surprise. What could it mean, really? I guess the world doesn't seems to lay out so simply for me anymore.

In conversation with my friend Dahlia a while back, she was really into characterizing people as "weird" or "crazy". As in, "You're weird!" or "My mom's crazy!" and at one point asking me, "Are your friends weird?". The question itself took me by surprise and I responded, "Well...yes, I guess they are all weird, but I think that's why I like them." And I couldn't substantiate this in any kind of legitimate way, but I bet you'd be hard pressed to think of even one person who isn't weird, or stupid, or crazy in some way. What are we without our quirks? And whether we classify them as good and positive, or bad and negative, don't they make us so fabulously interesting? A good friend of mine recently said to me, "It's so weird that you're so into Harry Potter. I just wouldn't expect that of you." Neat, right? Maybe he thought I was cool, and Harry Potter is lame (or possibly the opposite...) and his brain was working overtime trying to fit the two together. Either way, I think that I and Harry Potter are pretty great, and doesn't that make for interesting conversation?

I understand that it's a part of the developmental process, wanting to understand and label things as good or bad, learning about boundaries and rules and eventually how to make them for yourself and evaluate the ones set for you by others. It's just interesting. And when I think about it, even though I don't frequently make use of the words themselves, the idea of good and bad run pretty deep in the ways I look at and move in the world.

make art
hum all the time
love people
hang with animals
hang with kids
be myself
dance in spontaneous situations
think a lot
feel things really strongly
see beauty
trust myself
love Harry Potter
use words to communicate
use art to communicate
do really cool stuff

run away from things that make me happy
hum all the time
fear physical activity
judge myself
judge other people
hide in bed
think a lot
characterize things as "good" or "bad"
judge other people for the above
spell correctly (guess how many times it took me to get the word "legitimate" right? I'll never tell.)
look at other people and wonder why I'm not like them
carry on habits of a 13 year old
feel guilty
don't trust myself
feel things really strongly
stop myself

Don't worry though. While I figure it out, I'm keeping busy.


  1. oh la, and eating too much: good (yum) and bad (fulllllll)

  2. Totally 'leggit'!!

    I'm now VERY happy I sent you Harry Potter earrings :-D

    1. Indeed! Remember when we went to that museum? Such a great trip. The earrings are SO well received. And noticed instantly by both Jess and Drea. This is how I know that we are meant to be. xoxo

  3. you are good at assessing situations and seeing whats really going on while staying grounded. you are also good and articulate at expressing what you notice/see about situations. you are bad at concealing your emotions and not showing them on your face!!! which is great!!! You are bad at living in caves? you are good at being a cotton-headed-ninny-muggins. hah!

  4. you are really good at seeing the humor in a situation. you are really good at finding the strangest combinations of color and patterns to wear together and look fab. You are really good at giving Harry Potter tutorials spontaneously. you are really good at being a loving daughter and sister. You are only fair at being a loving Friend of Henry because you put sun glasses on him and made him look silly which embarrassed him and he was too polite to tell you. I am really good at forgiving you for that.
